At Security Defense we assess and analyze the vulnerability and risk threat associated with a specific location.This threat assessment task covers a wide range of threats including: natural threats (tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), criminal threats (theft, violence, robbery, threat to life, burglary), terrorism (active shooter, vehicle, improvised explosive devices mechanisms) and possible accidents.Threats are identified and our expert team plans prevention and response to protect family, workers, facilities, supplies and critical infrastructure by proposing customized solutions.

SSD (Smart Security Drone)

Unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) systems for surveillance, inspection, security, search and rescue purposes contribute significantly to our services.They are used on drilling sites, pipelines, refineries and other surface facilities.With Artificial Intelligence, field surveillance becomes faster and data transfer takes place in real time.We offer you a complete cloud-enabled drone autopilot system and its application in field surveillance with uninterrupted operation under all conditions.

TSCM (Technical Security Countermeasures)

Aimed at prevention to maintain resilience in information security, we have the training and technical infrastructure to detect and neutralize eavesdropping systems aimed at corporate espionage as well as specific individuals at a personal level. A specialized electronic tracking scan method is applied to the audit to successfully complete your privacy restoration.


Our expanded study on a security system for smart cities Custom Administration Security Defense (CASD) took 1st prize in the Crowd Hackathon Competition for Smart Cities. The use of Artificial Intelligence combined with an intelligent networked surveillance system conveys detailed information to the operator at the Imaging Center for proper, timely and efficient incident management. Our proposals are advanced technological solutions for the prevention of illegal actions in professional facilities, homes and public areas.


Information is transferred with speed and accuracy as an integrated network of innovative electronic systems (receivers, servers, computers) allows us to live monitor and record video with an uninterrupted non-stop operation. An NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) is signed.


Security Defense with its many years of experience provides the highest level of services and is a guarantee in the field of VIP Security. We have armed and unarmed guards, highly trained, experienced, discreet and secretive. The combination of physical security and technical means ensures our flexible and discreet presence resulting in your maximum protection.


With modern operational security plans, we implement measures to prevent and deal with threats at the event site as well as in the wider area. We address both professionals and individuals who wish to hold large or smaller events, ensuring their guaranteed safe conduct.

B2B TRAINING (Business to Business)

Security Defense has the training required and is able to provide security training and assessment of your staff so that your executives and employees can cope with everyday challenges in the workplace, in emergencies caused by natural causes but also in special situations based on scenarios which you judge can happen in your area.


Security Defense is a Private Equity Company that creates and develops modern and innovative security plans for every field of their application.In a journey of years from 2010 until today, we monitor and learn about new technologies and integrate them into our business plans in order to provide high-level security services.Our path through trainings, participations, presentations, collaborations and awards in competitions has given us the training and experience we need for guaranteed results in the provision of any kind of security service.

