Security Defense guarantees the safe holding of your events.

In line with modern business security designs we take into consideration:

  • the Special Risk Assessment Procedure
  • the Vulnerability Study
  • the Operational Tactics Plan
  • the Integrated Sports Violence Information Management System
  • the Thorough Autopsy at each facility

Prior to each event, we have a planning and implementation of corresponding operating procedures and security measures. Everything is prepared according to the particularities and risk of each event.

As strange as it may seem, this planning is not exclusively a police project but an operational plan that refers to all involved.

In developing this plan, we apply the action model illustrated in exclusion and control zones and based on the vulnerability study data of the facility.

The preparation and implementation of threat management measures (prevention and response) in the premises of the facility and in the wider urban area is a key point in terms of operational success.

With the guarantee of a specialized and experienced company, you can ensure safety in every small or large event by taking care of the following critical points:

  • Crowd management (concerts, exhibition spaces)
  • Check entry documents
  • Provision of first aid
  • Prevent theft and other malicious acts
  • Escort of important persons to and from the event

Target Audience:

Event security is mainly adressed to professionals who want the perfect organization of any type of event such as:

  • Exhibitions
  • Concerts
  • Sports events
  • Corporate events

However, event security is also recommended to individuals who organize a private event and wish to offer excellent service and an absolute sense of safety and security to every guest.
